Tuesday, April 7, 2015

LG PSU board EAY60968801 repair

This is a short tutorial on how to troubleshoot and test the LG PSU board EAY60968801.
There is also a Youtube video with the same content.

Let's first have a look at the schematic. There are some less important components missing but it will give you an overview. (it may also contain some errors)
You can download it from here: Schematic EAY60968801

It is used in several Plasma TVs like 50PK250-UA 50PK990-ZA 50PK950-UA 50PK750-UA 50PK590-ZE 50PK550C-UD 50PK550-UD 50PK540-UE 50PK350-ZB 50PX950-UA and probably others. The schematic is very similar also to the EAY60968701. which is used in the 50PJ340-UC 50PJ350-UB Z50PJ240-UB.

Refer to these pictures to find the components mentioned in the schematic:

If you prefer the trial and error approach you can also buy the repair kits available on the internet, they probably cover most of the problems. Usually included are the standby controller IC, a nearby diode, a shunt resistor, a fuse and some of the big white power resistors.
The big white resistors are 22Ohm on the EAY60968801, not 10Ohm like the ones shown here. 

Repair and troubleshooting tips:

1. Remove the board from the TV, it will be easier to work with.
2. connect a load (two 100W lightbulbs in series or an equivalent power resistor) from VS to Ground
3. Connect AUTO_GND to GND and two switches from RL_ON and M_ON to STBY.

4. Apply AC mains voltage to the input.
5. Measure the voltage at F302, should be around 166VDC for 120VAC input. 
6. Measure STBY at P813, may vary a bit but should be around 3.5V. The microcontroller should now be working. If the 3.5V is not present you most likely have a problem with the 3BR1565 and/or D304, R305, F302.
7. Switch on RL_ON, both relays should close. I can't say if the timing is fixed but I am assuming it can vary quite a bit depending on measurements taken with the circuit around PC102. The measurement here is taken at the relay contact that is sinked (it's ON when signal is LOW)

8. check the PFC output voltage, it should be 390V and stable, check at F302 and F801, if it's not you may have a problem with the PFC circuit
9. check AC_DET at P813, should be 4 to 5V. The training manual actually says 4.1V but in our case the uC output is not loaded and therefore the signal goes up to 5V. 

10. check 5.1V at P813
11. check 17V at P813

Leave RL_ON on.
12. connect 2x 100W light bulbs to VS/GND (or an equivalent resistor with >150W)
13. Switch on M_ON 
14. VS will be turned on

15. check VS, VA and M5V and adjust them if necessary according to the voltages indicated on the panel sticker
16. When turning off M_ON the circuit around Q906 will be activated and discharge VS capacitors

Have fun.


  1. Hi Tom,
    Thanks for this article!
    I'm struggling with an intermittent relay problem.
    Can you please post or send me the complete psu schematics in other format? (in:pdf). The jpeg is a little blurry
    Thanks again

  2. The embedded image is indeed blurry. You need to download the document from the link above , it's full resolution.

  3. Replies
    1. 0.36 Ohm. I'd guess wattage is probably 2 or 3W

  4. Hello Tom
    In the repair kit you show a diode but I cannot find the specs for it anywhere on the net, can you help?

    1. If it's D304 you are talking about it's a Schottky diode SB140A.

    2. Can D304 be tested while in the circuit? What should it read?

  5. Hello Tom, I checked te PSU board of my TV, and P813 pins voltage:
    1-2 STBY:0V, TURN ON:0V, during activation:0V (Should be 17V)
    4-5 STBY:0V, TURN ON:0V, during activation:0V (Should be 5V)
    8 DET_ERR: STBY:3.4V, TURN-ON:1,6V, During activation: 4,8V
    13-14 STBY: STBY:3,45V, TURN ON:5,14V During activation: 5,14V
    15 RL_ON: STBY:0V, TURN ON:0V, during activation: 3,42V (Trainee manual indicates 2,43V when TV is Turn on)
    16 AC_DET: STBY:0V, TURN ON:0V, During activation: 4,5V
    17 M_On 0V instead 3.29V after turn on

    So PSU board doesn't have voltage in P812 in any pin.

    What do you suggest I have to check?,
    How can I discard Main Board?

    (TV doesn't turn on, but STBY LED turn on and I can listen clicking noise from relays).

    Thanks for your help
    Carlos Briceño Montenegro

    1. Check first all the usual culprits, the white power resistors etc. Remove all cables from PSU. Connect AC input power. It should come on for about 10 seconds (due to the auto_gnd pin open). Check VS and VA in that condition. If all voltages are present it's more likely you have a problem elsewhere. If they don't come on do as instructed above, connect two switches that will allow you to control RL_ON and M_ON. I do not have that board or TV anymore so I have to rely on this schematic too...

    2. Tom, After install lightbulbs and Connect AC voltage in PSU and I have the same problem, I checked DC voltages in the board and PC101 (Photocoupler PC-17K1) in pin 2 doesn't have stable voltage, I put a cable between mass and pin 2 and PSU board work in correct way and when I turn on M_ON Switch I have voltage in P212 (VS, VA and M5v). The problem is the PC101 photocoupler?


      Carlos Briceño M.

    3. My guess: Q101 turns on and tells the uC that the PFC output voltage is above the lower limit. Then , if IC102 turns on it will turn off the optocoupler telling the uC that the PFC output voltage is now above maximum limit. Can't help you any further with this without having the set in front of me. I'd need more info.

    4. Hi, Wondering if you managed to fix yours? mine is doing the same thing.....

  6. Hi I have a power supply LG 50PJ250 (eay60968701) on but at 5 minutes off if I have voltage VS 207 volt and VA 60 volt is that I can do? will be the source or other plate?

  7. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article. ac services

  8. sorry for the English, I write using a Google translator

    After turning RL_on and M_on buttons, the power supply switches to protection. STBY,+5V,+17V Ok. +60V,+205V no.
    at photocoupler PC901 is no low level of M81F4316.
    pin 3 and 4 are short-circuited photocoupler PC901, appear voltage +60V and 205V ....

    Yuriy, Ukraine

    1. Did you try with the additional toggle switches as shown above OR with the flat cable coming from the mainboard?

    2. with the additional toggle switches

    3. hi this is computv i have 5v and 17v but not stb volts could it be q355

  9. Hi, I solved the problem. Thank you

  10. problem in transistor Q355.Thanks for the scheme, helped...

  11. Does not turn on the plasma TV
    I have the plasma TV model that lasted 5 years.
    Brand Name: LG
    Model: 50PJ250-ZC

    PCB or power supply: PCB EAX61397101 / 9

    The TV when you turned it on was the pilot and the relays were heard. I disassembled it, comrpobé with 12VDC that the relays are of 5VDC since the little ones placed in the plate without plugging the 230 VAC and the noise was listened minus one. I checked the diodes of the relays, one was short-circuited because it gave continuity in the tester and the other one was driving on both sides.

    I changed them to 1N4148. Before I introduced it, I checked it with the ester.

    When testing the TV, the relays are never activated as before, the red light (red LED) turns on for about two seconds and turns off.

    I thought of activating these relays by force with external power. Before doing crazy, I tried to buy smd transistors in which the reference did not say anything.

    I have found an American scheme but the one I want is the European Spain.

    Face components. In the center, below where there is a yellow transformer, there are two black relays in parallel.

    Face tracks:

    I'm looking for a smd transistor that puts W1P and stays there, which are the ones that controls the relay.

    Side tracks of the transistors.

    Face components.

    I want to know the data sheet or datasheet. Of these smd transistors.

    Any ideas?


  12. Hello:


    1. Which relay activates first, RL103 or RL101?

    2. When the first relay is activated, how long does it take to activate the second relay?

    3. When the TV is on. Do the two relays have to be activated?

    4. When the relay is turned off. Which one goes off first?

    I ask because the relays of my TV are never activated and I do not know why.

    A cordial greeting.

    1. 1. and 2. first oscillograph shows timing of RL101 and RL103
      3. yes
      4. I don't know

      Follow the steps described above and also refer to the training manual. Use two toogle switches instead of the mainbaord to turn on/off individual circuit parts.

  13. Hi:

    First it activates RL101, it passes 276 ms and soon the RL103 is activated.

    Leaving the TV plugged in 230 VAC in Spain. Disengage relays from the board. And with a switch, force the switch on the RL101 and then even if it takes 3 seconds, activate the RL103 manually.

    It's a good idea?


  14. I would not activate the relays manually but rather use the schematic to find out why it's not being activated as it's supposed to.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I do not activate any Relay, I want to know the reason.

    1. check the standby power supply around the 3BR1565, R305, D304...

  17. Does the uC has its supply voltage?

  18. Hello:

    I'm looking at the diagrams and I'm going to check the optocouplers, PC10, PC102, PC103.

    He tested R305 and D304 with the tester, so I returned a solder on the plate. The 3BR1565 component is not as tested with the ester. I will find out if in my nearest store to sell it.

    He comfopped STBY and GND. Dan 0 V.

    What happens to TV is. As soon as you connect the plug to 230 VAC, the red LED on the TV turns on for 2 seconds and then goes off. The relays are no longer heard, not activated, none. Changed the diodes of the stories by new ones and nothing.

    The three resistors of 10 Ohms work.

    The plaque I'm speaking on the TV.


  19. Finished to test the microcontroller. Since the plug is connected to 230 VAC, the red LED on the TV, the 5 VDC on the microcontroller, and the LED on the microcontroller are turned off at 0 VDC.

  20. Hello again:

    The Microcontroller has 5 VDC power.
    See this image.

    When plugging in 230 VAC. It has 5 VDC on pin 9 (red track) but does not switch the relay RL 101. I changed the SMD transistor to another of 2N2222A.

    The pin 10 (yellow track) of the microcontroller is always at 0 VDC.

    I want to know the datasheet of the optocoupler indicated in red indicated in the image below.

    Little by little I want to see how the microcontroller behaves. No relay is activated, neither the RL 101 nor the RL 103.


    1. You need 5V on pin 9 and 10 , to turn on RL101 and RL103, respectively.

      You say you have 5V on pin 9 but RL101 doesn't turn on?
      What's the collector voltage of Q705? There is not much in this circuit... Do you have 5V on the other side of the relay.?

  21. RL 101 and RL 103 are deactivated.
    In the outputs of the two optocouplers of the previous scheme, the two that are closest to the relays, has 5 VDC output, and input has 0 VDC.

    View imagen:


  22. Despacio. You said you have 5V on pin 9. The transistor should be ON and the relay activated.

    Start from there.

  23. Hi

    1) Testing with the tester, between pin "VSS" and pin 9 it measures 4.86 VDC to be exact.

    2) Between VSS (-) and pin 10 there is 0 VDC.

    3) The measurements between the C-E (Collector - Emitter) of transistor Q705 is 5 V.

    4) The RL 101 gives 0 V.

    5) Pin 9 is 5V (exact 4.86V) and pin 10 is 0V.

    6) View image.


    1. from pin 9 there is only the one resistor and a transistor in between RL101. The transistor is off, not conducting. Follow the 5V from pin 9. what's the voltage at the base of Q705? Should be around 0.7V

  24. Hi:

    Between the B-E (Base-Collector) hay 0.65 V.

    I have the TV off. The relays are off. Are the two relays turned off, must they be in continuity or not?
    The RL 101 does not ring, the RE 103 sounds.

    View image.


    1. refer to the schematic please. Both relays are normally open (when powered off then contacts are open), BUT the RL103 contact is bridged with two NTC resistors, this is probably what you are measuring.

      Concentrate on RL101 for now. If B-E of Q705 has 0.65V then C-E must be near 0V. If it is not then the transistor is faulty or, if you replaced it, you may have put it the wrong way.

  25. Hi

    I changed the Q705 smd by the TO-92.


    On both occasions, the same thing happens. B-E 0.65 V. and B-C 5V.

    I will change the transistor again, if the same thing happens to me again, something is not going well and I do not know if it is physically the relay. With the TV off, I put 5 V directly to the relays and they work. You hear switching.


  26. Hi:

    I changed the Q705 transistor. It behaves just like the original.



    1. well, it looks like the transistor (2N2222) is connected the correct way. sorry, from here I can't help you, I'd need the unit in front of me. It's a simple transistor on/off switch.
      When you short Q705 (C to E) does the relay turn on?

  27. Hello:

    1) There is 5 V on the pin 9. The RL 101 is off.
    2) The RL 101 must be activated and it is not activated. In Q705 B-E has 0.65V.
    3) In Q705 C-E has 5V.
    4) http://www.subeimagenes.com/img/puerto-serie-c-1701012.png
    5) I will check the external 5V relays again and the TV off.
    6) I will check the welds.
    7) If on Q705 B-E you have 0.65V. In C-E there must be about 0V?
    8) So if there is 0.65V in B-E at the same time as 5V in C-E. Transistor Q705 is wrong. I will replace it again but for the metallic 2N2222. Http://www.minirobot.com.mx/tienda/img/p/6/1/5/615-large_default.jpg


  28. Hello again

    Making a peek, look at the picture 1.

    Below is a capacitor called C723. I think that if I replace it and I will function the RL 101. Between that C723 there is 5V, in Q705 there is 5V, the RL 101 there is 0V.

    view image.

    If you do not know the value of that C723. I want to know if I can make a direct bridge with a cable to try.

    What do you think?


    1. You want to short this capacitor? Not a good idea. You are going to short the 5V to GND

    2. Short C to E and see if the relay turns on.

  29. Hi

    Can I put another 22 pF capacitor in parallel?

    View image.


    1. No point in doing that. Your transistor doesn't switch and you need to find out why.

    2. I see sense because the Q705 has 5V in C-E. It is connected with a C723 in series to the RL 101.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. C723 is not in series with the relay!. It goes from 5V to GND

  30. DID you short C to E and did the relay turn ON?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have never been able to turn on the RL 101.

      If the microcontroller has pin 9 to 5V fixed. I can not change the status of the Q705. It always has 5V on the C-E.

  31. Well, sorry I cant you help any further from here. I asked you to make a short from collector to emitter of Q705. This effectively will put 5V on the relay. You can do that with a short piece of wire while the board is powered up. If you want to rather play safe then take an external bench top power supply and put 5V on the 5V on the board. DO NOT supply AC in this case.!

    You can then play around with the relay and transistor as you wish without doing more damage or kill yourself.

    Good luck

  32. Do I bridge directly on C-E or remove the Q705 and bridge?


    1. no need to remove the transistor

    2. 1) I removed the Q705 Collector and Emitter pins and turned on the TV as well.
      Between E-C there are 5V. RL 101 in 0V.

      2) I read you late. Now I reposition the Q705 and make a direct jumper with a cable.

      Wait and I'll tell you.

  33. Finally a relay is activated, I do not know which but it is activated.
    The small PCB just below, a green LED D202 blinks.
    The display turns on and I can go down and turn up the volume.
    I have bridged the C-E of Q705.

    1. 1. Put Q705 back in.
      2. Measure R740 resistor in circuit. If it shows more than 4k7 remove and measure again. If it's anything different than 4k7 replace it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It measures 4.67 K the R740.
      The TV seems to work very well with the Q705 C-E bridged.

  34. The TV works with the short C-E of the Q705.
    Thank you very much for your time and patience.

  35. Bad news.

    He just passed the same ruling. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I do not know what to see the C-E bridge of the Q705.

    Tomorrow I disarm TV again and look at what it fails. I think the best option is to feed 5 V to the relay directly somewhere.

  36. Is there a diode inside the relay?
    I'm going to disarm the relay RL 101 and RL 103 because it has a diode inside it.



    1. I don't know if there is a diode inside. If there was one inside then you wouldn't need the external anti-parallel diode. Anyway, manually activating the relay or bridging transistors etc is only good for troubleshooting, you can't leave it like this because all these components have a function. first you should find out why the 5V on pin 9 of the uC doens't activate the relay

    2. Hi

      I have an impressive headache since yesterday. ;)

      The relays I have seen if there is a diode, comes in series with the coil, I have never seen it in parallel. I'll let you know when I find out.

      I'm going to put Led points on some parts of the board: Led + Resisdentica of 220 Ohms.

      I want to find out why the relay does not activate when the microcontroller from the 5V to the BASE of the Q705.

      See you soon.

  37. The TV is working again. The welds were broken from the transdormers and I soldered it again.
    The relays have no diodes.
    Thanks for the help.

  38. Hi, I have a LG 50PK350-UC, the basic problems the screen is are blinking and the color does not look good, all voltages are fine... 201 v, 60v, 5 v, 17 v, 115 v, -185 v , what can I do?

  39. Good day. Izvenyayus for my English using Google translator.
    Tell me please after turning on the RL_ON I do not have the output P813 there is no voltage output 5.1v and 17v in which direction to dig the entire trunk of the IS301 & IS701 checked

  40. Please tell us the parameters of zd301 ???
    The output from T301 is not stable (17v no)> 15.3v-15.7v
    (5v no)> 1.4v-3.4v
    Around ice1565 everything is whole .. Where can I find more ???

  41. Hi Tom. Thank you for the materials. I do not have +17V at P813 and sequentaly +5.1V at P813 (items 10 and 11 from your guide). 17VDC is Ok. Processor pin 13 is inactive. Processor pin 12 is active and +5V.
    Could you help me to understand the root course of my problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Tom. The problem has been solved by processor replacement.

  42. Help!!!!! the f4316msf11 and f4316msf17 are identical in datasheet ... but the f4316msf17 block does not work ...

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  44. Hello. Tell me please, how is the AC DET signal generated?
    At what stage does it appear? Thank you.

    1. then no one will answer. here is more
      if you can then more details about the breakdown?

  45. What would cause D304 Diode to have continuity the lg 50" eax61397101 it will turn on sometimes for 10 min then say 5 min always kinda going down on time of switching off checked the 5w 10ohms ceramic and they are fine

  46. I have a 42pj250,This TV working intermittently, After 30 or 20 minutes goes to standby, again power on relay clcking sound heare,In working time 5V,17V,60V,204V are nomal.what is the problem sir.Please help.

  47. Hello ,you May be ove help ,i have the same issu whith a psu board ,it is a EAY60968801 sa I use the kit at first but did not solve my problem ,my relay switch one then of ,so I followed you troubleshooting method but when I switch on RL_on the relays switch on then off ,I have 5 v in standby en ac detec do your know what it could be ?

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  50. Hi,Tom.

    zd301 is shorted repeatedly

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  53. Hello all,

    I am getting VS@450 and VA@166 and STBY @ 5.16

    The relays are clicking fine.

    any ideas ?

  54. Hello,
    I have unstable, fluctuates VS 195-204.Where please look for an error?

  55. Hello, I have got the PSU EAY60912401 board with two shorted FET K50ZFP transistors (nearest fuse is also burned) I checked everything around including capacitors. I was try change the FETs, but they was after 5 seconds burned and shorted. I have no idea what can be bad. Could you help me with this? Thank you

  56. Hi Tom,
    I have just spent the last 3 days trying to locate the problem on my TV. I was successful in the end, and am all up and running HOWEVER there is no way that I could have gotten to that point without the aid of your diagram.

    I have no idea how long you spent tracing that all out, but the effort that you went to is really appreciated. The fact that you are also willing to share the information is really wonderful. There are so many people out there that have the knowledge in this area, but are holding the information so that they can keep making money off it is understandable in some ways, but I would prefer to give my business to someone who learns, then teaches others.

    So, THANK YOU again for your help, expertise and community spirit,


    Vic, Western Australia

  57. Hai tom,apa kabar anda sehat kah?dimana anda sekarang?salam success slalu.

  58. Hi, I have an LG 50pk250-UA where the power comes on and then shuts itself off with audible clicking sound. I saw a YouTube video that recommended unplugging the line for the M_ON signal between the PWR Supply & Main Board (https://youtu.be/M9NVtqQR0IM). Is this a really bad idea?

  59. ola Amigo Tom.
    Tenho uma placa destas e já fiz o simulador para a placa de alimentação com as 2 lâmpadas de 100w. A placa ao inicio ligava e passado um pouco desligava e passava os reles a fazer TAC TAC, ja substitui alguns componentes e agora não liga e só faz tac tac nos reles, não tenho os 17v, o material que substitui foi: Q356,IC-F4316MSF,IC301,TH353,TH351,D902,IC801,IC601. Ja testei :R305,R927,R929,C305,C308,C365,C377,C312,C307,C311,PC102,101,103,301,901,902, Q352,D902. Ajuda pois não estou a ver qual a falha da fonte a não ligar. Abraço de Portugal Valter

  60. Hi Tom, my name is France, very many thank you for your site, which provides interesting infos
    I have an LG 50 inch plasma TV model 50 PK 350 that turns off a few minutes after switch on, then the Power supply starts to click
    I got some hints in your web page, however I would like to have the EAY60968801 schematic in a more readable form than the one on the site
    Thanks for the help you can give me

  61. Hi! Value of ZD301 on 17V, STB area, tnx

  62. High, i have an lg50" power supply with a missing capacitor on position c308, may anyone kindly help me with specs for that capacitor for me to find one

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